Day 1 | Day 2

Day 2 Programme

Astor Ballroom, Level 9, The St. Regis Mumbai

09:00 – 09:15

Conference Opening

Morning MCMs Jane Moir, Head of Research, ACGA, London

Opening RemarksMs Julia Tay, Partner, Asia-Pacific Public Policy Leader, EY, Singapore

09:15 – 10:10

SOE governance

A session examining the governance of state-owned enterprises in China, India and other markets in the region. Are we seeing progress, regress or stasis? To what extent are governments insisting on higher CG standards in these enterprises? How do these enterprises compare with private firms in terms of board composition and practices, sustainability disclosure and gender diversity? Has the investment case for SOEs improved? And what effect are international standards of ESG having on listed SOEs around Asia?

Moderator Ms Nana Li, Head of Sustainability & Stewardship, Asia-Pacific, Impax Asset Management, Hong Kong

SpeakersDr Zhengjun Zhang, Founding Partner and CEO, King Parallel Consulting, Beijing (Virtual)
Ms Hetal Dalal, President and Chief Operating Officer, Institutional Investor Advisory Services, Mumbai

10:10 – 11:05

Family governance

What’s new in the family governance space in Asia? Should investors expect second- and third-generation family members to deliver better governance? Do family companies renew their boards frequently enough? Is Asian family governance becoming more complicated as the number of shareholders increases with each generation? Are family boards prepared for climate change and other sustainability challenges?

ModeratorMr Chirag Mehta, Chief Investment Officer, Quantum Asset Management Company, Mumbai

SpeakersMr Yuelin Yang, Chief Stewardship and Wellbeing Governance Officer, IMC PAA, Singapore; ACGA Council Member (Virtual)
Professor Kavil Ramachandran, Senior Advisor, Thomas Schmidheiny Centre for Family Enterprise, Indian School of Business, Hyderabad 

11:05 – 11:30

Coffee Break

11:30 – 12:30

Geopolitics and capital markets

How are the ongoing tensions within the region and internationally affecting capital flows and investor confidence? Who are the winners and losers? Will international standards of CG and ESG suffer as a result of geopolitical tensions? To what extent does foreign capital still drive CG and ESG policy in Asia? What reforms are different markets and countries introducing?

ModeratorMs Jane Moir, Head of Research, ACGA, London

SpeakersMr Udith Sikand, Senior Emerging Markets Analyst, Gavekal Research, Hong Kong
Mrs Karine Hirn, Partner and Chief Sustainability Officer, East Capital Group, Hong Kong
Mr Richard McGregor, Senior Fellow, East Asia, Lowy Institute, Sydney (Virtual) 

12:30 – 13:30

Lunch Buffet, Astor Foyer

13:30 – 14:30

Post Adani: Lessons learned and CG reform in India

As the media and market move on from the Adani imbroglio, questions remain. Where was the stewardship from regulators and investors? What have investors—especially foreign institutional investors, who were most affected—learned? Have regulators become more focussed on cross-shareholdings, related-party transactions and more robust CG reforms? What are the lessons for companies?

ModeratorMs Sharmila Gopinath, Specialist Advisor, India, ACGA, Kochi

SpeakersMr Debanik Basu, Lead – Emerging Markets, Responsible Investment & Governance, APG Asset Management, Hong Kong
Mr Sandeep Parekh, Managing Partner, Finsec Law Advisors, Mumbai
Ms Ruchi Biyani, Responsible Investment and Governance Analyst, Janus Henderson Investors, London 

Conference ends for public participants.

15:00 – 16:30

ACGA Town Hall (for ACGA members only)